Another guitar it took a while to find. Not valuable, but few were made so they’re hard to find. Really nice player, and a useful twist to add to ‘acoustic’ gigs or acoustic numbers in electric sets. Onboard chorus!!!

I really wanted one in pinkburst (see the last pic), but when I saw this sitting forlornly unnoticed at the very back of a favourite shop, and on sale for a very modest sum, I had to have it. A number of friends have now joined the bandwagon and have acquired or are searching for them….
Are the top middle, center, and bottom middle pictures showing 3 different guitars of different colors, or it is just the lighting during photography that makes them look red, orange, and purple? I have a red, just like the top middle one.
Thanks for your post, David. Pix 1-7 are all the same guitar, my cherry sunburst Charvel 325slx. Pix 8 is a pinkburst whose sale I missed – I’d really love one of these in pinkburst. I use mine quite a bit for acoustic covers gigs as it’s much less cumbersome than a full acoustic and sounds quite good.
I picked one of these up around 12yrs ago as I liked Charvel guitars and I hadn’t seen anything like this from Charvel. I still have it and still love it. It does rely on being plugged in for a great sound though. I am interested how much you paid for yours.
Hi, Michael. I paid £275 for mine, probably top dollar at the time but it’s proved to be worth it, though I would probably have paid substantially more for a pinkburst. A mate of mine has the more basic 325SL model in foam green finish, which is also really nice. Enjoy yours!
i bought that exact slx new in 93. loved it. sounded amazing plugged in, but like crap on its own. i truly miss it. they are pretty hard to find. enjoy yours.
Thanks, Mick. As you say, not terrifically expensive if and when you can find one. And I’m always on the lookout for a pinkburst!
Thanks for visiting the site and posting. Hope you come back – I’ve just launched a YouTube channel on which I’m going to upload videos of the guitars being played through various amps. The first two videos are pretty rough first stabs, but go live in the next few minutes.
I have A charvel surfcaster 325slx sunburst I’m trying to sell. It’s in mint condition not a scratch on it. I don’t know how to go about selling it my name is Shane and my number is 619 991 7608. Call anytime
Hi, Shane. If it’s a pink burst (as seen in the pic at the bottom of my page), I’d be interested so please send me some pix (to [email protected]). If it’s a regular sunburst, then your best bet is eBay as there as people/collectors out there trawling for such things.
How much is one worth? As I have one myself and I am looking to sell it.
Apologies for my sloth, travelling. Not too much is the answer – mine cost me <£200 a few years back so I wouldn't expect much more. But do please send me pix if you are thinking of selling.
Please tell me what’s the electrical components inside this model is it by Fishman and if so what model