The Lazy J 20 is a modern high-end handmade take on the fabled tweed Fender Deluxe from the hottest boutique amp maker in Europe. My friend A introduced me to his.
It’s arrived after the standard six-month wait – everybody wants one – and it’s bloody good. Classic three-knob tweed deluxe, very sweet tone and the right power to crank up at pub/club gigs.
Like the Fender original, the two volumes and the tone control are interactive. Basically you set it up with the tone you want then use the onboard power scaling to dial the volume down as required.
Nice reverb, great power amp overdrive of its own but happy with pedals too, not heavy so very portable. In use, it’s an ideal amp for small gigs, pubs etc. and very good if you’re miking things up, but not quite enough punch to compete with a solid drummer.