TC Mojomojo overdrive review

The purchase of TC Flashback delay and Corona chorus stomboxes some weeks back qualified me for a free TC drive pedal worth about £100 – a pretty good offer.

Given my tastes and style, it was a pretty easy choice to go for TC’s Mojomojo overdrive despite its rather unappealing ‘dirty protest’ housing.  It arrived recently after some confusion over delivery (see previous post – good old UPS, the musicians’ friend, dropped it at the wrong address, delaying my receipt by ten days).


It’s quite transparent, has a good range of gain and levels and a switch to remove bass flubbiness on humbucker guitars.  It has separate bass and treble controls, which I guess add flexibility though the single tone controls on my Providence, Freekish Blues, Joyo, Barber, HBE, & Rothwell seem to work just as well.

Auditioned against these, the Mojomojo comes out as a good, if not great, od pedal.  It drives but through my reference Ceriatone amp it doesn’t sing like many of the others.  Maybe I haven’t found the right combination yet and it will come into its own through certain of my other amps whose inputs overdrive more easily.

And hey, I can always sell it.  I’m hardly short of od pedals and if I add its value to what I got on eBay for the pedals they replaced, it cost me very little to upgrade to these two TC boxes and my Boss TR-2 trem…

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